The Annual Meeting of Shareholders (“Meeting”) for Ninilchik Natives Association, Inc.   (“NNAI”) will be held on Saturday, October 3, 2020 at 1:00 P.M. AKDT. This Meeting will be a virtual meeting and the business of the meeting shall be taken up as set forth in the presented Agenda.  Shareholders and other participants in the Annual Meeting will be able to attend by joining the Zoom Meeting:

Join Zoom Meeting from PC, Mac, iOS or Android

Join Zoom Meeting Phone Number

1 253 215 8782

Enter the meeting ID number (92035476193) when prompted using your keypad.

Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, there will be no in-person participation at this shareholder meeting.  As in prior years, all Shareholders who are eligible to vote will be able to vote their shares by proxy, either electronically, or by mail, fax, or email using the same processes as in the past. In-person voting will not be available for the election. To vote by proxy, sign, and date the enclosed Proxy Card and return it to the Inspector of Elections by one of the following means:

 Mail:  Altman Rogers & Co   Attn:  NNAI Elections

            3000 C St., Ste 201 Anchorage, AK  99503

Fax:    907-274-2993




All proxies must be received by the Inspector of Elections by 5:00 P.M. AKDT on October 1st,  2020.  The enclosed Proxy Statement includes important information and instructions on voting.

Shareholder Questions

An opportunity will be provided to present questions and comments during the question and answer session. Questions submitted by 5:00 P.M. AKDT on October 1, 2020 deadline will be addressed at the meeting and we will attempt to answer as many questions as time allows.  Shareholders or descendants may submit a question in advance of the Annual Meeting by emailing .


All Proxies successfully submitted prior to September 18th, 2020 at 5:00 P.M. AKDT will be entered in the Early Bird Prize Drawing

(3) Winners $500.00


                                                     PROXY PRIZES INCLUDE:                                                    

The Voting Cash Prizes will be drawn from all shareholders who accurately vote – whether voting is done by E-voting/online, by mailing, by fax or by email

(1)   Winner      $500.00

(10) Winners   $200.00

(10) Winners   $100.00

(15) Winners      $50.00