Should you wish to have your name on the Proxy Ballot for the Ninilchik Natives Association, Inc. Board of Directors Election at the 2017 Annual Meeting, you must submit a Letter of Intent to Run to the NNAI office no later than 5:00 pm May 12, 2017

Candidates who summit letters on time will have their names printed on the Proxy Ballot and their letter printed in the Proxy Solicitation Packet.

Letters received after May 12th will be included at the Annual Meeting and may still be nominated from the floor, but will not be printed on the Proxy Ballot.

Letters of Intent can be sent to our office via a PDF in email:

or a hard copy can be sent via post:

PO Box 39130
Ninilchik, AK 99639

**Please note that letters will not be modified or edited for content. 
Be sure that PDFs are a high enough resolution to reprint.**